This is a spread I came across while learning about the Jungian approach to Tarot, and it is one of my all time favourites. I find it is best to use only every so often - I maybe do one a year. The layout of the cards is based on the Jewish Tree Of Life.
The numbered cards correspond to:
1 - (Querent) The querent's, state of mind )Hopes
2- (Father) The querent's sense of wisdom and practicality )and
3 - (Mother) The querent's sense of nurturing and compassion )Fears
4 - (Mercy) Querent's good qualitities, what they feel they are able to do )The
5 - (Judgment) The querent's intellect,what they ARE able to do )Querent's
6 - (Beauty) The querent's capacity for giving and selflessness, )Available
what they feel they ought to do )Choices
7 - (Eternity) Lust and love )What the
8 - (Splendour) Recreation and relaxation )Querent would
9 - (Foundation) Creativity and art, inspiration )Like to do
10 -(Kingdom) The physical body, the essence of the querent
Moving on to the vertical columns, Cards 3, 5 and 8 represent forces both practical and destructive in the querent's life; Cards 1, 6, 9 and 10 show areas of balance and moderation; and Cards 2, 4 and 7 show us areas of creativity, intellectualism, and liberalism.
This is definitely a spread for intermediate to advanced readers, and can offer quite a detailed insight into the querent's situation.
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