Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Adorable Tarot Decks!

I've come across a few of what I can only describe as novelty decks over the years. I have to say that while a lot of people dismiss such decks, I think it's nice that even Tarot can be playful once in a while. Certainly, they deserve to be shared here - if only for the 'Awwww!' factor. And if you're going to recieve bad news, why not soften the blow?

Note: Click on the titles to find out more. Links are to sources outside of Blogger.

Yes, you read that right. Gummy Bears. The Gummy Bears in this deck, while cute, look adorably serious. There are wise bears, enlightened bears, and even bears in peril! (see below) The cards were originally printed in German, then re-released in English. They may not be useful if you want a more sombre reading - I for one can't take the Kight of Swords seriously when he looks so much like Winnie the Pooh - but I'm glad they exist, all the same.

The ubiquitous cat of the Hello Kitty franchise with her own Tarot deck? This one detail will tell you everything you need to know about Hello Kitty Tarot: they are a black and white deck you can colour YOURSELF. It is either the pinnacle of sacrilege, or the most adorable thing ever! It isn't an easy deck to acquire, but you have to admire the artist's attention to detail in keeping with the Rider-Waite imagery.

Truly, this is the king of all cartoon decks. When I think of the work that must have gone into creating the 8-bit Tarot, I am in awe of it's creator, Indigo Kelleigh. This is a reworking of the traditional Rider-Waite deck, but in the style of retro computer graphics. The end result is a well-researched and striking piece of work.

The message of this deck appears to be simple : Ferrets have problems too! Focusing on the lives of these little furry creatures, the Ferret Tarot is a fun black and white (and quite useable!) deck. Like the Hello Kitty Tarot, this deck is unlaminated for limitless colouring in potential.

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