Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Don't Fear The Reader: Why You Need Not Be Afraid To Get A Reading

   Last night, a good friend of mine began promoting my site. I'd performed a reading for her, and she was so happy with the results, she wanted to tell her friends. Which is great - any publicity is good publicity at this early stage, so I was both touched and flattered to see such commitment from her. As you would expect, some of her friends took notice, and contacted me. But what I found really interesting was this: a few of them approached my friend and told her that they were curious about the Tarot, but were afraid to have their cards read. As one of them put it: "She might tell me I'll run into money, and then I'll get hit by a Securicor van!".
   While undoubtedly funny, I also found this disturbing. As someone who has grown up around the occult, I didn't quite understand what they meant. How could somebody be afraid of a pack of cards?
   When I posed this question to my friend, she told me it was, in all likelihood, a fear of bad news. A fear that I would tell them they were about to die, or that their marriage was going to fail. As though my simple utterance of these words would make it so. To an extent, I understand this. Look at the Death card, or the Ten of Swords. Now, if you don't know a lot about Tarot - aren't they those creepy cards that tell you your future? - then you may, understandably, be a little freaked out when they turn up in a reading. But, as mentioned elsewhere on this blog, Death is only Rebirth in disguise. And the Ten of Swords? There is an argument for this card being the most positive of all. For with it, things are at their worst, and can only get better.
   But the Tarot interpretations aren't really the point, in this context. The point is, it doesn't matter what comes up. The cards provide guidance only. They provide insight, and give the Querent a chance to look objectively at what is often an emotional set of events. They do not make things happen - they only show you what is likely, should current trends be allowed to continue. This, for me, is the true beauty of the cards. They are a friendly heads-up,in a world of uncertainty. Cross my palm with silver, and I will not tell you that you will die before the moon has risen three times - but I may tell you that self-destructive or excessive behaviour are to be avoided while on your current path. The cards won't tell you that your husband will leave you, and then make that happen. And let's be honest, if they had that kind of power, it would be wise not to use them.
   In short: there is nothing to fear in the world of Tarot. The cards only show you the exits. Which one you choose is up to you. 

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