Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Card Spotlight: The Magician

Deck: Tarot

   Traditionally, the Magician is a smooth talker. I've always thought of him as the original salesman. The challenge of his card is: is he selling the fountain of youth, or a placebo? As his most positive, the Magician is inspiration itself. He is a man of action, almost a miracle worker, always ready with a creative solution to any given problem. This magician is an innovator. He turns thought into action.

  But what of his counterpart? Opinion over whether reversed cards hold any real meaning is divided - indeed, the current thinking tends toward acknowledgment of the dual nature of everything; that whichever side up, the flipside is always implied. Still, when I see The Magician in a reversed position, I can't help but see a little of his confidence turn to smarm. The Magician's darker side is one of empty promises. His magic solution really is too good to be true! Be prepared for false prophets, and misuse of power and trust.

Pictures: My interpretation, Rider Waite
traditional card, HR Giger interprtation.

Related Articles: Card Spotlight

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